• On the day of admission, the tenant will be given all relevant information and have it explained to them properly. Fire procedures, safety information will be included. Emergency contact numbers will also be included.
  • The tenant will be given the option of retaining their current GP or the home provider will assist you in this area.
  • Also if required, the services of other Health Practitioners will be offered.  E.g. Dentist, Optician
  • The Local Pharmacist will supply all medication in Medi-Packs if the tenant chooses to use this method.
  • All DWP and Housing Benefits payments will be processed on behalf of the new tenant (with the tenant’s permission) by Sustain head office.
  • All housing benefit costs are used for the benefit of each tenant, further information is available here. Charges to Tenants – June 19
  • A date for four weekly reviews will be set.  The purpose is to enable the new tenant, the other tenants and staff to have a “trial settling in period”.
  • At the review all those involved in the support of the tenant (with tenant’s permission) will be invited to attend including a representative from Social Services Accommodation Resource.
  • If everything is successful for all concerned, a date for a yearly accommodation review will be arranged.  (This will not affect other agency statutory reviews)
  • An overview of the Locality and its amenities will be offered to the tenant and an opportunity to familiarise with the area will be available.